*혹시나 깜짝 놀라실까봐 이렇게 해놧습니다. (플레이를 원할시 위의 '재생 시작!' 을 눌러주세요.

디스아너드(DISHONORED) OST - Drunken Whaler 입니다.

음.. 술취한 고래잡이네요.. 비슷한것으로 Drunken Sailor (술취한 선원) 이 있죠.. 하지만 분위기는 180도 다릅니다.

Drunken Sailor 의 경우 술취한 선원을 골탕 먹인다는것인데 이 Drunken Whaler 같은경우 술취한 고래잡이를 죽이는겁니다.. 대체로요... 

일단 이 OST에 나오는 영어들은 이러합니다.

What will we do with the drunken whaler
What will we do with the drunken whaler
What will we do with the drunken whaler

Early in the Morning

Way hey and up she rises

Way hey and up she rises
Way hey and up she rises

Early in the morning

Stuff him in a sack and throw him over
Stuff him in a sack and throw him over
Stuff him in a sack and throw him over

Early in the morning

Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner

Early in the morning

Way hey and up she rises

Way hey and up she rises
Way hey and up she rises

Early in the morning

Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol

Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol

Early in the morning

Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver

Early in the morning

Way hey and up she rises
Way hey and up she rises
Way hey and up she rises

Early in the morning

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