. 저처럼 아무것도모르고 6.1.3업데이트하신분들이나
어떠한사유로 강제로되신분들.. 아니면
6.1.3 업데이트를하고싶은데 아직 반탈밖에안되서 기다리시는분들. 바로 그쪽분들을위한 희소식을 들고왔습니다!
바로 6.1.3 완탈인데요. 구글링좀 하다가 찾아냈습니다
Chronic Dev Team 멤버인 Joshua Hill 에게 현재 IOS 6.1.3 Evassi0n을 이용한 탈옥 연구에대해서 물어보세요
그러시면 아마도 희소식을 들을수있을겁니다
Joshua Hill 은 여태껏 IOS6 의 시스템에 대해 바삐 연구 하였습니다
joshua 그는 모든 주목으로부터 도피?를 할동안 앞서 언급햇듯이 실제로 IOS6 해킹에관해서 노력을 기울엿습니다
그리고 트위터에 IOS6.1.3 탈옥에 관련된 정보를 찾고있던자들에게 한가지 중요한 글을 남겼습니다
그가 남겻던 글입니다
Joshua Hill @p0sixninja
머지않아 다음 탈옥툴 은 제 손에 만들어질겁니다
Evassi0n 을 이용한 탈옥은 성공적이고 인기있던 방법이였습니다
툴을 게시한 첫주당시 7백만명의 사람들이
다운받았으며 IOS6.1과 6.1.2 에 아직도 이용되고있습니다
원문 작성자의 바람
Joshua 과연 그는 혼자서 일함에도 불구하고 6.1.3 완탈 툴을 만들수있을것인가? 아니면 그도 애플의 IOS7 이 나오기를 기다릴것인가?
선택권은 그에게있다
만약 그가 6.1.3 완탈툴 을 개발한다면 이번 IOS7 부터는
그가 발견한 취약점을 완전히 매워쌀것이다
많은사람들이 IOS7으로 업데이트 하지못해 6.1.3을 배포할수도있지만(3gs유저나 기타등등 유저들..)
가능성이 높은것은
그가 IOS7을 기다리는것이다
원문:Ask prominent Chronic Dev Team member Joshua Hill what’s with the jailbreak status for iOS 6.1.3 which patched the Evasi0n exploit and he’d probably tell you something really good. He’s been busy finding and documenting all exploits available in the iOS 6.x ecosystem.
Although @p0sixninja (Joshua) has been quite away from all the limelight and mentions in the recent times, he’s actually been working on jailbreak exploits in iOS 6 all along. Just recently, he tweeted something important to people who are looking for answers beyond the iOS 6.1.3 which fixed the Evasi0n jailbreak, making it obsolete for the moment.
Here’s what he tweeted:
Joshua Hill @p0sixninja
Well, so far it looks like the next jailbreak might be created entirely by me.
7:59 PM - 28 Mar 2013
Evasi0n jailbreak was one of the most successful and popular tweaks in recent times. It was downloaded by a whopping 7 million people the first weekend of its release and has gone on to be used by several more. Apple’s subsequent updates, iOS 6.1 and iOS 6.1.2 were still jailbreak-able using Evasi0n.
However, the recent update, iOS 6.1.3, patched the exploit that allowed Evasi0n to jailbreak the iOS. Things haven’t changed much since then; I assume @pod2g and the entire Evad3rs team to be working to find more exploits that can be used for the jailbreak.
Working independently, as it appears, Joshua seems to be now in possession of the exploits. Will he release a jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 or would he wait for Apple to actually announce iOS 7 itself (sometime in June this year, purportedly) before releasing a jailbreak?
The former option isn’t really as lucrative as the latter. If the jailbreak is released before iOS 7, Apple might turn up with an update which will patch Joshua’s exploits in iOS 7.x. And considering that not many people have really switched to iOS 7, it seems prudent to assume that this particular jailbreak would be built and released for iOS 7.
원문 출처
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