요즘 저희는 애플이 새로 출시할 아이폰(ios) 5S 또는 5C 에 관한 정보를 찾아다니고있는데요.

오늘 우리가 분석가를 통해서 애플이 내년에 나올 아이폰을 4.5~ 5 인치로 맞춘다는것을 알아냈습니다.

Kuo, 그는 그의 사업에서 가장 정확한 애플 분석가로 알려져있습니다 그는 오늘 그의 투자자 들에게"Large Iphone" 이라는 제목의 노트를 보냈습니다

“In a note obtained by AppleInsider, Kuo points out that Apple will extend the iPhone 5′s in-cell touchscreen technology to next year’s handset lineup, bumping display size to 4.5 inches, or 5 inches. The analyst notes Apple is less likely to use anything larger than 5 inches due to the company’s “unwavering principle of one hand use.”

작년 가을 애플은 아이폰의 3.5인치를 4인치(1136X640) 디스플레이로 바꿧습니다 이유는

사람들이 아이폰의 사이즈를 성능에 비해 이상하다고 여겻기때문입니다.

곧 아이폰 5C 모델은 애플의 참신한 아이디어들이 모여져 만들어지고 소비자를위한 다양한 기능들이 추가될것이므로 좋은것이라고.

작년 아이폰이 4인치로 출시됫다. 이것이 증거입니다. 점점 성능도 높히고 여러모로 신경쓰는거죠

목요일 저녁 "Wall Street Journal" 은 애플이 아이폰의 사이즈 크기에 대해서여러 실험을 했다고 주장합니다. 최소 4.8인치부터 6인치까지.

머지않아 삼성이나 겔럭시 스마트폰 크기 부럽지않은 아이폰이 출시되겟네요.

그러나 올해의 애플이 발표한 아이폰5S나 아이폰5C의 결과에 따르면 아이폰5S 는 지문인식 기능이 추가될것이고

아이폰5C는 착한(싼) 가격에 출시될겁니다.


in these few days we are all waiting for Apple to introduce its new generation iPhone 5S/5C at its media event which will held on September 10.. Today we've got a new analyst from Ming-Chi Kuo which says that Apple is working on a new iPhone with a 4.5 to 5-inch display and going to launch it next year...

Kuo, who represents KGI Securities where he has built a reputation as one of the most accurate Apple analysts in the business, sent out a note to investors this morning, claiming that he is hearing similar ‘large iPhone’ chatter from his end.

AppleInsider has the note:
“In a note obtained by AppleInsider, Kuo points out that Apple will extend the iPhone 5′s in-cell touchscreen technology to next year’s handset lineup, bumping display size to 4.5 inches, or 5 inches. The analyst notes Apple is less likely to use anything larger than 5 inches due to the company’s “unwavering principle of one hand use.”
Last fall Apple changed it's screen size on its iPhone when it moved to a 4-inch 1136×640 display. Prior to that, the company had gone with a 3.5-inch display for the handset’s for 5 generations, calling the size “ideal” for most.

But what that switch to 4-inches tells us, and what the upcoming iPhone 5C model tells us, is that Apple is becoming more open to the idea of expanding its smartphone line. And that’s a good thing, as it will foster more i-options for consumers.

Thursday afternoon, The Wall Street Journal released a story claiming that Apple has begun testing different display sizes for future iPhonemodels. The outlet said that the company is experimenting with screens between 4.8 to 6-inches.

But first things first, let’s make it through this year’s iPhone announcement. Remember, Apple is holding a media event this Tuesday where it’s expected to unveil two new handsets: the low-cost 5C, and the iPhone 5S with built-in fingerprint sensor.

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